Town of Drummond Fire Department
Fire Department
52650 Front Avenue
P.O. Box 24
Drummond WI 54832
(715) 739-6600 Fire Hall, Non-Emergency
Meeting nights: 1st Wednesday, 6:30pm
Drill nights: 3rd Wednesday, 6:30pm
Mark Jerome, Fire Chief: (715) 739-6600
Michael Arens, Assistant Chief
(715) 413-2161
Dean Olson, Secretary/Treasurer
(715) 739-6600
Jeff Hurula, Fire Inspector
(715) 739-6840
All volunteers are welcome! To volunteer, please send us an email or leave a message on the Fire Department non-emergency number!
The Drummond Fire Department is an all-volunteer department that provides 24 Hours A Day / 7 Days A Week
Fire and Rescue Services to the 150 square miles that make up the Town of Drummond.
Drummond Fire & Rescue also provides Mutual Aid Assistance to its neighboring fire departments.
On October 2, 1943 a group of businessmen and property holders met in the Drummond Civic Center to discuss forming a fire department in Drummond. The objective was to form a department with equipment and trained volunteers to protect the community from fire. The first fire fighting apparatus made available and accepted by the department was a two-wheeled cart with two forty-gallon soda-acid tanks mounted on it. A detailed account of the history of the Drummond Volunteer Fire Department can be found in the book, Drummond Centennial 1882-1982, which is sold at the Drummond Historical Museum at the Drummond Public Library.
Currently there are 20 active members on the Drummond Volunteer Fire Department. The members meet the first and third Wednesday of the month at the fire hall. The first Wednesday is usually a business meeting with supper planned and cooked by one or more members. The third Wednesday is normally a drill night which means practice, speaker, demonstration, clean up, test equipment, etc. Most meetings begin at 6:30 pm and the food at the business meeting is greatly appreciated as many members come directly from work and have not stopped to eat supper.
Mutual Aid
Mutual aid is provided to and from the Drummond Fire Department as requested by the fire departments of Cable, Namekagon, Barnes, Grand View and Mason. Since many members of all fire departments work a considerable distance from their home location during the day, another department may be called upon to respond with personnel and/or equipment. Mutual aid may also be requested in the case of a large structure fire, grass fire or forest fire. In some cases the DNR office in Barnes and the US Forestry may request aid from one or several of the fire departments when a fire is in, or threatens, the forest. Also, mutual aid is provided when an emergency occurs like the storm that went thru the area in 1999 and the fire department personnel were out clearing trees from buildings and roads.
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